Sunday 16 December 2012


   ==>>Research for Highways<<==


            The Federal Highway Administration and other Federal agencies, the individual state highway departments, a number of universities, private or university related research groups and individuals, and many of the other organizations and associations mentioned here conduct research on highway problems. Many other agencies operating in parallel fields also have projects with strong highway implications. The output from these efforts is large; one estimate places it at 60 million pages per year. Thus, merely to find what research has been done or is under way is a difficult task. The Computer-based reporting by the Transportation Research Board, mentioned above, is offering at least a partial answer to the problem. Also, many reports are available through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va 22151.
The Conceive, finance, and properly organize, conduct, and report the findings of research is a difficult task, but its discussion is beyond the scope of this work.   



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